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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Do It For...

So I've given up junk food and I've been doing good, but I have been craving sugar candy something awful. That's my weakness, I love penny candies. And it's so hard to give up something, I was whining one day because I wanted something sugary, but I won't give up on this challenge. My aunt is doing it with me but I haven't been around her alot, because she's working and I'm not because things just keep happening to set the nursery opening back and I'm so eager to get back to a routine, but it's just not happening right now. Anyway, I said to Justin that he should quit something to help support me because I feel so alone in this haha living with three smokers ( I'm a nonsmoker ) and then on top of that they're all munching down and I'm eating my raw carrots and hiding in my room haha. I nudged at the idea of him quitting smoking again but he rejected the idea, so I pushed alittle harder and he said "You don't understand what it's like to try to quit smoking" I gave him that "are you serious?!" look and said "Do you know how hard it is to give up junkfood, food is my addiction" So he said that it wasn't the same thing and that is wouldn't be that hard to eat healthy. This is the guy that puts 3 spoonfuls of sugar in his coffee plus half the bottle of french vanilla...eats chips before bed and wakes up two times in the night for toast. So I said "If it's so easy I challenge you to stop eating junk food and eat healthy." So he accepted and has done okay for the past two days, but I'm pretty sure he's still drinking his coffee the same.

Because I have been having such a hard time staying away from the sweets I've been going over the reasons I am doing this and everything I want to get out of my weightloss so I'm going to make a list to myself on here.

1. Do it for your health. 

2. Do it for the fashion, the new wardrobe and clothing possibilities, the pretty dresses, backless tops, short shorts, skinny jeans, leggings, lingerie and more. Especially the bathing suits!

3. Do it for the collar bones. 

4. Do it for the wrist bones.

5. Do it for the possible side tattoos and hip tattoos.

6. Do it for the awe if it. 

7. Do it for the before and after shock. 

8. Do it for the pride and confidence. 

9. Do it for stares.

10. Do it to feel like my body fits me. 

There are many more reasons but I am completely involved with the seasons of the l word so I'm not completely focused and I'm getting tired so I need to join my sleep talking boyfriend - when he gets alittle intoxicated he sleeping gets quite humorous - and get some rest. 

My new tattoo I got the other day! it was inspired by a
tattoo I found of two birds, but I added the bluejay's
head feathers. 

Stay Happy!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Pure Genius

I've been contemplating on what my next post would be about and I didn't want to always be posting about my life struggles and everyday happenings. So I decided to be a pinterest post, I'm a huge "pinner" I love getting ideas from that site, some I've used and some I've just pinned for later and forget about.

Here are some things that I find completely GENIUS ideas, some are inventions others are using everyday objects for a new purpose.

Use a cd holder as a bagel container! 

Thanks and Sorry lights for your car! 

Use a pop can tab to hang things! 

Average and wide-mouthed mason jars will fit most blenders!

Lemon/Lime Sprayer

Put toothpaste where the nail will go, press against the wall and BAM
you know where you put the nail! 

Grocery Bag Holder!

Use a rubber band to solve a stripped screw! 

Stay Happy!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Taboos and Tarots

Last night I went to bed with a smile on my face and had planned the spend today with my boyfriend :) I wanted to wake up bright and early, get up and get ready for the day. I fell asleep and woke up at 11am, not what I was thinking by early, Justin had been up for awhile but didn't want to wake me, cute right? But I did kinda want to be awake earlier, but I won't complain. I got out of bed after he started jumping on the bed and yelling "get up, get up" like a kid at Christmas and showered, put on my makeup and straightened my hair, I slipped on a little sundress and made plans to meet up with my long lost friend Cassidy. I stopped at the mail on the way up the island and was overjoyed that my new lens had made it to me safe an sound. As eager as I was to try it out, I put it aside and kept heading for Justin's house. We spent the afternoon with his brother and Cassidy, which mostly consisted of Cassidy and I chattering and catching up with each other while the guys played playstation.

Ready for the day
Playing with GerdyRoot 

After an smothering hot afternoon on Cedar Street, we headed down to cool Ingalls Head so that Cassidy could get me addicted to "The L Word." We had previously watched "The Real L Word" together a year or so ago and I had been meaning to get around to watching the original.

The L Word
What Justin did while we watched
Attempt at a photo together... 
The lovely Cassidy
After supper and a couple episodes of The L Word, we went to check the mail to see if any more of my parcels had arrived. We took my camera and my new lens out for a test drive.

black and white candids 

love and miss this girl! now to plan my trip to her place next month

If you haven't noticed, Cassidy is one of my closest friends and she's one of my favorite photo subjects. Most of our friendship has revolved around photoshoots of some sort. :) And I haven't spent enough time with over the past months. I desperately need to make a trip up to her place for a weekend soon.

Stay Happy!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Strict Bitch Challenge and $500.00 Bet

I've majorly fell off my wagon, not only fallen off of it, but I'm pretty sure it's backup and run over me a couple times too. I hate admitting it, but I can't really hide from it either. I have to admit that being single and trying to improve myself was much easier than being involved and trying to motivate myself to change for me, not to impress someone else. I have a wonderful boyfriend that will love me and all my curves, but I've always wanted to get healthy and get out of my "hi, I'm the chubby girl" life. I want to do it for myself but I lack will power immensely. So I started thinking of creative ways to motivate myself.

Several weeks ago Justin and I started "betting," I got the idea from the show "How I Met Your Mother," which I am a huge fan of. Anyway, if you don't watch the show, in one of the episodes you find out that the married couple has been betting for their whole relationship, on things like their friends and scenarios in their lives. So Justin and I have started to do that, we've made a couple bets, but instead of giving each other the money, it goes into our savings. So that really we aren't losing any money, but at the same time we are gaining and having alittle fun. I'm a really competitive person, so I decided that I would bet Justin $500.00 that I could give up junk food and that he couldn't give up smoking. He immediately said I would win that one, because he just isn't ready yet. So I'm on my own, but he said that he would still bet me that I couldn't give up junk food for three months and if I did he'll put $500.00 in the jar! These are pretty big stakes so I'm trying my hardest, but food is my addiction just like tobacco is his. I've been craving some sweets since I stopped a couple days ago, I'm cranky and irritable and because my job STILL hasn't started yet, I'm just sitting around thinking about the food I can't eat. I tried my best to keep busy and not think about it and I used some crystal light to make my water have alittle flavor so I would have something! I'm calling this bet and decision my "Strict Bitch Challenge" I've always wanted someone on the side lines yelling at me and telling me I need to do this or else, but to pay someone to do that would just be out of my price range haha, so I am turning myself into that person. In my head I need to get that strict bitch to come out and yell "encouragingly" at me, to keep myself going. I'm making a poster and daily workout schedule to help with my change in eating habits.

My aunt/BioDad decided that she wanted to go along on the SBC with me, without the bet part, she just wants someone to quit junkfood with and exercise. Her, a friend and I went for a walk the other night and I learned that due to my thunder thighs I should NOT power walk in shorts, friction is not my friend and I have burns on the insides of the thighs. Justin had a fun time making fun of how "hot" my waddle walk was, I wasn't too impressed because it was actually really sore. asshole lol.

I really just want to get down a couple sizes. I don't want to lose 100 pounds or anything, sure it would be nice, but at the same time I don't think I would look good that thin. I just want to get to be a size 10 - 12, and right now I'm wearing 16 - 18's, even some 14's. My thighs and stomach are my focus areas. I figured that posting this on my blog it will help me stay motivated, not that many people are out there reading, but atleast if I think someone is I will be able to stay on track. It's such a struggle and I hate that food is my weakness, but at the same time I have to think, my addiction could be alot worse and alot more dangerous. I have to keep picturing what I want and what I'm doing it for. I'm doing it for myself and everything that I've ever wanted for my body. Health, collarbones, flat stomach, thighs that don't rub together and the hopes that my feet might not be so wide :P

Here are some motivations that I am focusing on :

This is my goal look. I think this girl is the my gorgeous woman I have ever
seen, I'll never have her skin tone or hair color, but I would love her shape.

This is about my size now, I would love to look like her transformation,
but I'm not aiming that low at the moment. one step at a time. 

Again gorgeous. I would love to be this size, curvy but toned. 

Stay Happy!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Happy Canada Day!

I am definitely proud to be a Canadian and this weekend we did lots of celebrating as it wasn't only canada's birthday but my cousin was also celebrating her 17th birthday this weekend with the whole family. It was an awesome get together and for once we were all present for most of it. My family is pretty close and what I mean by family is my grandparents, mother and her two sisters and all the grand kids. I also had a BIG yardsale that I went to, I mentioned in another post that I had been to a yardsale not too long ago and bought some really nice glass bottles and some other items, I may not have mention and meant to. I am a huge yardsale fanatic and would seriously buy everything I needed from a yardsale rather than new from the store, most things anyway. I'll post some recent yardsale finds in this entry. 

So appreciative that a few parents have given me permission to use photos of the  kids for work!
They are all sooo adorable. The art work is something the kids put together for summer
 this past week, some pretty flowers and busy bees! 
Friday night a bunch of family and some friends got together to celebrate Megan's
birthday! Top: My aunts and I, Tonia- or as I refer to her as BioDad, Claudine
and then Myself.  Bottom: a few of old friends and family with a
couple of new friends. 

Top - Bottom, Right to Left. Matt building us a fire, Papa enjoying a s'more, Megan and Abbie, Papa setting off roman candles,
everyone sitting around the fire, again - we did this for the past three nights. Everyone out for a family walk at sunset, and today
we moved couches in the heat and BioDad was a bit crunched up in the back. 
Fireworks in the yard! :P don't worry we had a fire fighter in the family haha
There was alot of food involved this weekend.

We like to do a lot of things together as a family, including walks, lamp lit grass basketball and
shaving heads. Megan and I took it upon ourselves to shave Jackson's head, neither of us have
done it before. How hard can it be? It's not like we could mess up haha
My Dog T-Bear shed's awful! He's a ShepardxHusky and the hair just falls off him all year. He looks
much better after the brushing! 
A neighbor and friend has a ton of kittens at their house that are just tooooo cute. I wish I could take them
all or even one but I have too many animals. The little white one is the runt and she is so dainty and cute,
 then this guy on the right is a little fluffy thing but has a rat tail :P I'm excited to see how it looks
as he grows up. 
Mayor is a bit of an escape artist so when he got out again we decided his
new cage NEEDED to get built, so my mothers boyfriend was so nice as
to build out. Right as it was finished we got a tip of where Mayor had been
spending the afternoon and were able to catch him. 
Tinka is re-united with her bestie in his new pen! He likes it and hates it
at the same time, at first he thought he could go right through it, but has
given up on that now. In the bottom picture you can really tell where
his ear was broken, probably from being picked up by his ears as a baby

The first photos is the bird feeder that I bought at the yardsale for $2. I brought
it home as a project and wanted to do it right away. So I painted it up and
hung it outside of the house :) 
Bought a bunch of old camera equipment :) I collect this stuff if anyone has things they don't want!
Just hinting :P 

I love colored glass and I couldn't resist these beautiful bottles.

The photo doesn't do the plates justice. They're from Egypt but I don't know anything else about them. 
Those are some of my yardsale finds, but there are LOTS more that I've collected over the past couple of weeks. This weekend I also bought two cushioned chairs and an antique baby crib. I have a bit of a problem when it comes to buying things at yardsales. Some stuff I buy to fix up and sell, now to later. 

Overall I had a great weekend of festivities and spending money. 

Stay Happy!