I really want to make clear that this post isn't me complaining or whining. I have a big insecurity that people are always getting annoyed by me or think that I am complaining or feeling bad for myself. I'm not, in fact I'm quite proud of myself for keeping what I have left, together. I haven't been feeling all that way physically and I've been sleeping alot during the day anyway, my insomnia has been acting up at night and I've just been catching naps when I get actually dose off. But lately I've wanted to sleep, my dreams have been vivid and seem a whole lot better than life right now. That's no way to live, so I'm awake and trying to get my shit together. I've got so much stuff I should be doing but have no motivation, but I'm not a big fan of giving up, I'm just a good procrastinator so I put trying off sometimes.
Another really awful thing that's been bothering me lately is my breakup. It's been what almost two months now. Something that people should know about me is that I grieve and deal with things differently or I guess the best way to describe it is in this photo. Only I don't deal like the girl does, I'm alot like the guy side. Maybe it's because my father had a big influence on me and trying not to show weakness plays a big part. The thing about how my relationship ended has alot to do with it too. He didn't leave me, I left him because he hurt me and let me down big time. I know that I don't deserve that at all, but I have this thing where I continuously blame myself for everything or that I feel I'm responsible for a good chunk of shit that happens. I don't think that's a bad thing about me, I'm glad that I can take responsibility for my actions, but part of me knows I did everything I could to make our relationship work and another part of me still feels like I could have done more, tried harder or been better. I am not a saint, I wasn't the perfect girlfriend, I have many of my own issues, but point was I tried, I put in the effort to be better and felt like he wasn't doing any of that. I loved him, still do or I guess I loved who he was at the beginning of our second time around. I definitely miss that guy, not the drunk, but who he really is. Truth is I was embarrassed by alot of things that he did and still am, but I've realized that I made him feel that way with some of my bad decisions. I'm not perfect, far from it actually. Point is even though I think he's an ass/douche/idiot/insert any rude name here, I've really been missing him. I've really been feeling cheated out of everything I or "we" had planned for in 2013. I feel like I should have been more important than alcohol, I understand addictions but they don't get better on their own and the only person that can change it is the addict. It's all up to them, so it's still a slap in the face, when he said "I have a problem, I doesn't just go away" you're right it doesn't but you're the only one that has the power to change it and I know he could have. I was selfish once and left him for what I wanted, so like I said I'm not perfect. I believe life is about balance, so maybe our second run was for me to learn so of the feelings I made him feel, learn from my own mistakes by having them thrown back at me. I just miss him and our plans and the little things and having someone always there. I know I'm better off and I will not run back to him ever again, this is all just a test to build up strength to stay away.

I let so much get to me, you might not see it from the outside, but inside I'm a complete and utter mess of emotions and thoughts. I stress over so much stuff and over think everything. I've always just wanted to be someone that just cared less about problems, but I suck as caring less. I care about everything, which means I stress about everything.
On a high note! I've been pinning so much because really that's all I do when I have time. Other than be really really super productive... Check out these screen captions taken only a couple days from each other. All my pinning my paying off in followers haha
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And only a week or so before this photo I was pumped for 500! |
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I also find this sad that this is one of my greater accomplishments of the past week... Thanks for following though :) |
Stay Happy!!
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